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PeaceKeeper's Pictures

Posted: Wednesday, January 12th, 2005, 12:30:37amUTC (2005-01-12T00:30:37+00:00UTC)
by UrPeaceKeeper
Due to the increasing boredom in recent times these pictures have resulted, if u'll notice some are the same ones that are on my signature, which i also made =) all these pictures are based onthe Warhammer 40k Universe (FYI) They are also in order from Latest to Earliest, so you can see the horrible progression in drawings!

(I Appologize in advance for the hugegantic Pictures =))









(Please people i kno my name is placed at the bottom of the pictures, i pray that you can not spread my name thru the gaming server or to all your friends, i am and will always be UrPeaceKeeper to you all! I kno its scarey, but i trust you guys enough now to honor my request. Also, do not plagurize my work, i know it sounds stupid but it is a very serious habbit)

Posted: Wednesday, January 12th, 2005, 2:07:42amUTC (2005-01-12T02:07:42+00:00UTC)
by Root
Nice art there, my favorite is number five. :)

Posted: Wednesday, January 12th, 2005, 3:26:05amUTC (2005-01-12T03:26:05+00:00UTC)
by UrPeaceKeeper
agreed, i think it looks better on my sig then all blown up like it is in the actuall size but thats just me :)